🪙Token Economics

1: Arbitrum's mainnet allows the purchase of NFT blind boxes using PVZ tokens, with 60% of the tokens being destroyed and sent to a black hole address. 20% automatically goes into an LP locking pool, while the remaining 20% is converted into an endless mode bonus pool.

2: A NFT trading market is set up within the game, where players can trade by placing orders. The platform charges a 1% fee for purchases and a 2% fee for sales, and all generated fees are automatically converted into the endless mode bonus pool.

3: To enter the endless mode, PVZ tokens are required as tickets, with 80% being automatically sent to the black hole address and 20% being converted into the endless mode funding pool.

4: Each transaction incurs a 1% tax fee, which is transferred to the endless mode leaderboard prize pool.

5: Liquidity governance for DEFI will be introduced, allowing single-token staking and LP liquidity staking as community voting rights, along with generous APR rewards.

6: Community governance and voting rights: Token holders can use their tokens to participate in community governance and decision-making processes. They can propose ideas, and vote in support or opposition to proposals.

7: Tokens can be used as rewards in the game. Players can earn tokens as rewards by participating in specific activities such as winning battles, opening chests, or providing liquidity.

Last updated