💎PlantMaster NFT Asset

The PlantMaster is not just a defender of plant life; it is also a creator. It has the ability to create new plant species, each with its unique set of abilities.

5 NFTs that u can use in the game

Each NFT in the collection is unique and represents a different plant, with its own distinct characteristics and abilities. Sunflowers NFT can mint on the official website only, and the other type of plants NFT will be generated from the treasure chest


Sunflowers are difficult not to dance along with the beat - what beat is it exactly? This is Mother Earth's jazz rhythm that gives life, and only sunflowers can hear its unique tone.

  • Potato Mine

Potato Mines can deliver a fatal blow to the enemy, but before that, they need to arm themselves. You should plant them in front of zombies - so they explode upon contact. Some people say that Potato Mines are lazy and always wait until the last minute to act.

  • Wall-Nut

Wall-nut has a hard outer shell, and you can use them to protect other plants. "People ask me how it feels to be nibbled on by zombies for a long time," Wall-nut said. "What they don't understand is that, due to my underdeveloped sense of touch, all I feel is a slight pain - like someone giving you a back massage."

  • Snow Pea

Snow Pea's frozen peas not only damage zombies but also slow down their movement. People always say Snow Pea is "cool" "calm" or "aloof," but Snow Pea just looks away - he actually hears everything.

  • Repeater

The repeater is very combative. He comes from the streets and doesn't care about anyone - whether it's plants or zombies. He keeps his distance from people by shooting peas. However, in private, he still longs for love.

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